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UK Tax Strategy

IIJ Europe Limited – UK Tax Strategy


IIJ Europe Limited (“the Company”) is the only entity in the UK and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Internet Initiative Japan Inc. (“the Parent Company”) which is incorporated in Japan.

The Company regards this publication as complying with their duty under paragraph 22 of Schedule 19 of Finance Act 2016 to prepare and publish a company tax strategy. The principles set out below apply to the Company in relation to UK taxation.

Tax Risk Management

The overall tax strategy is to ensure that:-
All tax legal requirements including tax compliance and reporting responsibilities are fully met;
Tax reliefs and incentives where available are utilised consistent with the aim of the legislation;
Transactional taxes such as VAT, are managed through the Company’s management information systems.

The Company reduces its tax risks by consulting with external professional firms and advice is sought from them on the tax impact of significant transactions, any changes in business or recent legislative changes.

Key Roles and Responsibilities

The Board of the Company has ultimate responsibility for the governance of its tax affairs.  The Financial Controller manages taxes on an ongoing basis within the wider Finance role.  The Accounts Staff are responsible for tax processes and have extensive experience of VAT requirements.  The Company prepares and reviews all tax returns in full consultation with external advisors and if needed works together and shares information with the Parent Company in order to comply with tax laws.

Attitude to tax planning and tax risk appetite

The Company does not engage in any aggressive tax planning to artificially reduce its tax liability.  The Company adheres to tax laws and seek to minimise the risk of uncertainly or disputes.

Working with HMRC

The Company strives to have an open relationship with HMRC.  Where clarification is required in relation to its tax affairs, the Company works collaboratively with HMRC to achieve early agreement.

The tax strategy has been approved by the Board of the Company. It is effective for the year ending 31st March 2024 and will remain in effect until any amendments are approved by Directors.

Date of preparation: March 2024